Trust in God! Psalm 37 in Seven parts

Part One


...look at all the cool stuff

Rich people have and say to yourself,

"I wish I were them!"


You don't know how it is with them.

But you can be sure of this,

If they don't love God,

It won't be good.


One day they will be gone,

And all their stuff

Won't be any good to them at all.


They will be like dandelions in your lawn.


One day they are all bright and yellow,

And the next, they are white with seeds,

And the wind just blows them away.


They are gone in a puff.


That's how it will be

For those who don't care about God.



So keep your eyes on God!


Trust in God and do good,

And all of God's wonderful blessings

Will be yours forever.

Part Two - clcik here!

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