
Morning Coffee

This page comes into being for two reasons.


he first is that I have become addicted to photography.

Well, that makes it sound like I am an actual "photographer." Let's say I am addicted to taking pictures. I love grabbing my fairly inexpensive point-and-shoot camera (a Fuji Finepix 1800x) and seeing what I can see. I am amazed at all the things I have seen I have never seen before, just because I was out with a camera. You really ought to try it!

Maybe one of these days I'll be able to buy a REAL camera (you know, one of those Nikons or Canons with the lenses out to here) and become a real photographer. In the meantime, I can't help but take hundreds of pictures almost every day.


I needed a place to have at least one or two people see them before they disappear, before whatever hard drive they live on dies!

Abide in the center of God's will

1> Love Jesus with all my heart. 2> Walk in the center of his will. 3. Be always and ever thankful.

But the more important reason for this page is to help get the day started in the right direction. More than anything I want to live each day walking in the very center of God's will, in the center of his Grace, in the center of his blessings. There just is no better place to be!


But I also know how easy it is for me to get distracted, how easy it is to get caught up in the chaos at hand until that's all I see, and I completely lose sight of God and his blessings.


So I figured this might help at least get the day started off right!


Simply, I hope to post a new photo each day (Ha! A guy can dream!), along with a verse or two from the Bible. The two won't likely be specifically related – the very real wonders of the world, even the simple beauty I find right here in our ordinary neighborhood, always affirm to me how real and wonderful is the God who made them. And since I know that God is real, I know the Word he gave us is true!


That's it. No big deal. Just a little inspiration for the morning.


You can skip this boring intro stuff from now on and just click right to the page!

Morning Coffee. A little lift to begin the day.

© 2010 Paul Dallgas-Frey