Salvation 101

Chapter 3

Saved From What??!

(Illustration - preacher,

Uh Oh.

When God made the world... was perfect in every way.

And God's plan was that we would live forever in perfect happiness with him.

But wait. How can that be? No one lives forever!

What happened??!!

The Bible tells us.

In one word.


Yeah, I know, “sin” sounds like just some “churchy” thing. But it isn’t.

Sin is whenever you do what you want instead of what God wants. And we all do it. We all think we know better than God. We all think we can have more fun without God around.

But what happens when you do what you want instead of what God wants? What happens when you turn away from God and go your own way?

You break your relationship with God.

And then it’s like you are one of those astronauts out on a space walk, in one of those big, bright white spacesuits, floating through empty space - and you cut your air line.

Not good.

Sin has separated you from God - and God is where your life comes from. So what’s going to happen when sin disconnects you from your life source?

You are not going to live forever with God.

That’s what sin does.

THAT'S what we need to be saved from!

But how?

Somehow we need to get reconnected to God!

Your Guide - follow him!
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