Salvation 101

Chapter 1.

Is There A God?

(Illustration, masterpieces of art on a museum wall)

A Quiz (no one said there'd be a quiz!)


Suppose one day... get all crazy and go to an art museum. What is easier to believe:

1. That all those paintings came from an explosion at a paint factory?


2. That each one was painted by a Master Artist?


Cairn Bears

Or suppose one day...

You are walking through the woods and you see this...

(photo: a rock cairn, a deliberate pile of rocks)

What would you think?

“Somebody made that!”

Why would you think that? Because rocks can’t stack themselves up like that all by themselves.

So how did they get there?

Can you picture a couple of squirrels looking around for just the right rock, dragging each one over, and stacking them up like that? I don’t think so.

A deer couldn’t do it - no opposable thumbs.

Or maybe some bear came along and thought, “Hmm, I think I’ll make a stack of rocks today so other bears will know I have been here!”


No, it’s obvious that stack of rocks didn't just happen. Some intelligent being - someone like you - made it.

It's obvious because whenever you see anything put together in a special way (when you see something put together like it was made for a reason), you know it just didn't happen by accident. You know someone made it.

Well, like someone like you!

So if that’s true for just a stack of rocks, then what do you think when you see something like this...

(photo: a magnificent butterfly (if I do say so myself.... I took the photo!))

That's way more complicated than a stack of rocks! Something that beautiful couldn't just happen by chance!

What do you think when you see something like that? "Wow! That was made by a Master Artist!"

And you would be right!



Some scientists say that the world began with an explosion billions of years ago (a really big explosion!). And that's all. It's just a big accident.

Well, I have never seen an explosion make anything but a big mess. But the world isn’t a mess. The world is an amazing place. It is just filled with awesome wonder and beauty - well, like someone thought it out, planned it, and... created it (just like someone created those paintings in an art gallery).

And that "someone" was God!

Maybe there was a big bang - it seems there was - but it wasn't an accident! God planned from the very beginning just exactly what was going to come from it - even YOU!!!

So what is easier to believe, that something as beautiful as a butterfly - or something even more amazing and wonderful, you! - came from a giant explosion billions of years ago, and it's just an accident?

Or that someone made it?


Is there a God?

Just look all around you, and every wonderful, beautiful thing you see says -


Of course there is!

(BTW a stack of rocks like that one is called a cairn. In many parts of the world, people set them up to mark the way through the wild places. I think the cool thing about a cairns is, when you see one you know someone like you has been there too. It kind of makes you feel good somehow, like you're not alone. So everything in the world is like God is saying, "I am here too!")

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